Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Synthetic Turf, a drought-friendly Solution for Henry Curtis Ford

Henry Curtis Ford is an automotive dealer located in Petaluma. This area is known to be very windy, and these winds were creating issues with the new cars getting wet as the lawn was watered. Mix spray irrigation with wind and shiny new cars and you get very unappealing water spots. Because visual appeal is so important in their industry, the client was open to exploring ways to solve this problem.

Synthetic turf was the best solution. Not only would synthetic turf address their water spot issues, but it allowed them to add 3 parking stalls to display their new vehicles, conserve water, and maintain the curb appeal.

We removed over 3,500 sq. ft. of turf and replaced it with synthetic turf and 3 compacted parking stalls. In addition, we removed 4 Raywood Ash trees to reduce the presence of surface roots and replaced them with 4 24 in-box Magnolia trees with fir bark around the base of each tree to retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

Assisting Henry Curtis Ford was just one of the most recent projects our team was able to utilize our expertise and industry knowledge to leave a property better than when we found it. Contact us today if you think synthetic turf could be the solution for you. We'd be happy to help!

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Cash For Grass

Did you know there are programs that will pay you when you convert your property to a water-efficient landscape?

These programs and rebates pay based on square footage. The following cities offer cash rebates to water customers who replace thirsty turfgrass with drip-irrigated low-water-use plants, synthetic turf, and permeable landscape. 



Santa Rosa


San Rafael



$0.75 / sq. ft
(max 1,000 sf or $750)

$1 / sq. ft
(max 750 sf or $750)

$3 / sq. ft.
(max up to $5,000)

$1 / sq. ft.
(max 1,000 sf or $1,000)


$0.75 / sq. ft
(max 10,000 sf or $7,500)

$1 / sq. ft
(max 2,500 sf or $2,500)

$3 / sq. ft.
(max up to $20,000)

$1 / sq. ft.
(max 3,000 sf or $3,000)


Santa Rosa

Eligible Requirements: 

  • Lawns that are green, regularly mowed, irrigated, and well taken care of.
  • If you have an existing irrigation system in the project area, you must do one of the following: 
    1. Cut off irrigation valve, remove it and cap the pipes.
    2. Cut and cap all sprinkler heads.
    3. Cut and cap all but select sprinkler heads and convert those heads to a drip system using an all-in-one conversion kit.
    4. Cut the output side of the irrigation valve and convert to a drip system with a pressure regulator and filter from there.

Learn more about the program and how to participate in Santa Rosa here.


Eligible Requirements: 

  • Lawn areas to be converted must be historically maintained and irrigated. 
  • Brown lawns due to drought-related watering reductions will also be accepted. 

Learn more about the program and how to participate in Napa here.

San Rafael

Eligible Requirements: 

  • Immediately suspend irrigation of the project area.
  • Sheet mulch using cardboard, compost, and organic mulch, and disable the irrigation system in the project area within 45 days of approval.

Learn more about the program and how to participate in San Rafael here.


Eligible Requirements: 

  • Lawns must be green, regularly mowed, irrigated, and well taken care of.
  • Modify the lawn irrigation system so that newly landscaped areas are served through a separate valve that can be controlled independently. 

Learn more about the program and how to participate in Sonoma here.

Contact us to learn more. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Weed Abatement and Fire Safety



Throughout the last few years, the state of California has suffered from record-setting wildfires. We are no stranger to hot, dry conditions, but the risks associated with those factors become even further amplified during the summer months when drought-like conditions reach their peak. That is why it is essential to take the proper steps to positively contribute to fire prevention and weed abatement. First and foremost, property owners are responsible for maintaining their high weeds throughout the dry season. In California’s prevailing drought conditions, it is crucial to stay on top of the upkeep and maintain a defensible space to protect your property investments. Here are a few other important fire safety precautions that you should abide by:

·       Remove all dead limbs that overhang any part of a structure.

·       Clear away any flammable vegetation that is located within 10 feet of woodpiles and storage containers.

·       Clear pine needles, leaves, and other debris from your roof.

·       Provide a defensible space that extends at least 30 feet out from your building in all directions and perform high weed abatement out to 100 feet.

·       Consider fire-safe landscape design enhancements that double your property’s defense layer.

To learn more about the defensible space requirements and guidelines for your county, check out the resources below: Marin County, Napa County, Sonoma County.